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The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for January 2014
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Twenty Session/ First period/ Fourth Year 2013-09-24 4.75 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 309 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 16 Deputy
Session Items
Session Report

The minutes On 24/9/2013, the Council of Representatives (CoR) held its 20th session of the 1st legislative term of the 4th period chaired by the Speaker H.E. Osama al-Nujaifi:

-               219 MPs attended the session

-               The Speaker al-Nujaifi announced that the CoR will remain in session for two consecutive weeks to finish with essential laws, pointing out that the Committee on Security and Defense will hold a meeting on Thursday to host security commanders and that the session of next Saturday will be dedicated to the debate on the security situation;

-               The CoR voted to reject the legislative proposal for the amendment of the Penal Code No. (111) for the year 1969 submitted by the Committee on Legal Affairs;

-               The CoR voted to nullify the resolutions of the dissolved Revolution Command Council No. 1021 for the year 1983, No. 197 for the year 1994 and No. 145 for the year 2001 submitted by the Committee on Legal Affairs;

-               The CoR voted to pass the Civil Defense Law submitted by the Committee on Security and Defense and the Committee on Legal Affairs;

-               The CoR finished the second reading of the legislative proposal for ratifying a friendship and partnership agreement between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of the Republic of Italy submitted by the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Services and Reconstruction;

-               The CoR finished the second reading of the legislative proposal for ratifying the economic and technical agreement between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of the Republic of South Africa submitted by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Economy and Investment and the Committee on Legal Affairs;

-               The CoR finished the second reading of the legislative proposal for the 8th amendment of the Law of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. 40 for the year 1988 submitted by the Committee on Higher Education and Scientific Research;

-               The session was adjourned to Thursday 26/9/2013. 

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