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Elementary Report about Spayker Base Crime


The committee of security and defense and the committee of human rights read, the elementary report about Spayker base crime. In the session 32 of the parliament, the first legislative term, first year which was held on 27-11-2014. Headed by the speaker of the parliament Salem Aljboure and in the presence of 232 MPs. The report includes the following notes

- The committee of security and defense and the committee of human rights read, the elementary report about Spayker base crime. Which includes the following notes

1- Ministry of defense investigated with 42 military officers.

2- Calling another 43 military officers who were wanted to be investigated, but they don’t come yet because of the battles.

3- The official information of ministry of defense showed up that 276 members were killed.

4- There is no database in ministry of defense about the real number of martyrs.

5- The investigation didn’t find that there was an order to withdraw.

6- Confirming that there is cooperation between some of criminals and Daesh, their names have been sent to competent authorities.

7- Dropouts members in Salahuddin governorate have, after Mousl events, circulated that there is an order to withdraw.

8- Inaccessibility to the victims dead bodies places.

9- Most of military officers are participating now in military operations, which obstructed the investigation.

10- Salahuddin operations team leadership couldn’t send the final number of dropouts.

11- Investigation showed that there are military officers still alive.

12- The work of investigative committee in ministry of defense about the issue, is so slowly.

13- The parliamentary committee of Spayker issue will meet again to assess the investigation, activate control on the governmental committee and submit a final report to the council.


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