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The tenth meeting 2014-08-25 5 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 326 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 22 Deputy
Session Items
The constitutional oath for those who didn’t get to do it before Executed
Voting on the formation of the standing committees in the House of Representatives ( Not Executed
Discussing the actions taken by the Ministries of Trade and Construction and Housing about the problems of displaced people Executed
Session Report


House of Representatives held on Monday 25/08/2014 the tenth headed by Mr. Saleem al-Jubouri, and the presence of (190) deputies, the session included:

- Mr. Sadiq Hamid Al-Rikabi sworn in for the Deputies of the House of Representatives.

- The Deputy of Kirkuk  province, Mr.Kawah Mohammad read a statement in which he denied the recent bombings that targeted peaceful coexistence in the city, demanding the federal government to take immediate action to support the province of Kirkuk, to reduce the incidence of other attacks.

- The Deputy of Salahuddin province, Mr. Abdulqahhar Al-Samaraai read a statement on the events of Samarra, in which he asked for the security to be under the framework of the state and belong to the Iraqi security ministries.

- The Deputy Badir Al-Fahal read a statement on the situation faced by the city under siege  and The terrorists of Daash, asking to speed up the delivery of logistical support and to provide the city with weapons to defend the honor and dignity of its sons.

- Council voted to hold a special session to assess the humanitarian situation for the Iraqi components exposed to horrible crimes.

-Mr. Iaram Sheikh Mohammed, Vice President of the Council clarified that the seventh ommittee bulit to work on the distribution of the ladies and gentlemen of Representatives on the Standing Committees ,has decided during two meetings, the formation of 26 standing committees dispersed across blocks ,14 for Tahaluf Watani block , 6 For Tahaluf Al-Qwa al-Watania ,and 5 for Kurdistani Tahaluf ,and for the rest of the other blocs one committee for each.

- Condemnation of Mr. President of the Council in a statement in the name of the House of Representatives of terrorist criminal process, which affected the Shiite shrine of Imam Ali in the New Baghdad district on Monday.

- Mr. President of the Council to clarified that today it was the day to recieve a delegation that included demonstrators from the people of massacre victims Base Spyker in the presence of a number of deputies to listen to their demands.

- the House of Representatives decided to hold a public hearing on the massacre Base Speyker in the presence of representatives of the families of the victims ,and the time of it must be determinded by Presidium of the Council after the completion of the formation of the Committee responsible for the procedure..

- council approval to host Mr. Saleh al-Mutlaq, Deputy Prime Minister for Services Affairs at future meetings at the request of a number of  deputies to discuss the crisis of displaced people.

- the President of the Council invited the Budget Committee to hold its meetings  starting from tomorrow and prepare a report on the meetings and the political blocs to intensify negotiations to form a government as soon as possible to avoid falling into a constitutional problem..

The session was adjourned on Tuesday 02/09/2014

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