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Iraqi Constitution
Session Discussion for Iraqi Parliament

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Session 34, First Term, First Year 2014-11-30 3 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 321 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 20 Deputy
Session Items
Session Report

- The Iraqi parliament held, on 30-11-2014 the session 34 of the first legislative term, first year of the third term. Headed by the speaker of the parliament Salem Aljboure, in the presence of 236 MPs. It is included:

- The committee that is responsible for displaced people grant read, a report about its tasks and that it will hold meetings with the competent authorities in Kurdistan province to distribute 225 million and 855 thousands IDs. From the council on displaced people in Irbeel and Dohouk and to alleviate suffering of special needs 'disabled' Yazedi women.

- The council voted, on a bill to ratify an agreement of encouragement and protection of investment between Iraq and Jordan. Which is presented by the committee of foreign relationships and committee of economy and investment, this law is to ratify the agreement that was signed on by the two countries on 25-12-2013.

- The council voted, on a bill to ratify an agreement between Iraqi government and Kuwait government for mutual encouragement and protection, which is presented by the committee of foreign relationships and the committee of economy and investment.

- The council voted, on a bill to ratify an agreement of economic, commercial, scientific and technical cooperation between Iraq and Armenia, which is presented by the committee of foreign relationships and the committee of economy and investment.

- The parliament hosted, prime minister Haider Alibade to review Iraqi general situation.

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