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Session (4) / Semester Two / Third Year

  Session Items
Session Report





Session (1) / first semester / third year 2020-09-05 0 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 0 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 0 Deputy
Session Items
First: the Legal Committee decision on the various departments of the Iraqi Parliament elections law. Executed
Second: The first reading of the law draft amending of federal supreme court act No. (30) of the year 2005. (Legal Committee). (article 4). (Presidency project). Executed
Third: the first reading of the law draft of the Council of Ministers and Ministries. (Legal Committee). (article 24). Executed
- Fourth: Reporting and discussing (second reading) of the proposition of the first amendment to the Public Prosecution Law No. (49) for the year 2017. (Legal Committee). (article 9) Executed
Fifth: Reporting and discussing (second reading) of the Proposal for the Law of Equivalency of Academic Certificates and Degrees (Legal Committee, Higher Education and scientific research committee). (Article) Not Executed
Sixth : General Discussion (15 minutes) Executed
Session Report
On (5/9/2020), the House of Representatives held its first session of the first legislative term for the third year, the fourth electoral cycle headed by Mr. Muhammad al-Halbousi, with the presence of (210), which included the session:

- The Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee read a memorial statement for the death of the  Representative Ghaida Kambish, head of the Higher Education Committee.

- Mr. Al-Halbousi announces the approval of the Presidency of the Council to the request made by Representative Muhammad Sahib Al-Darraji to direct an oral question in accordance with the constitution to the Ministers of Finance and Planning to answer the failure of the reforms stipulated in the domestic and foreign lending law.

- Reading of the report of the Legal Committee on the multiple constituencies of the Iraqi Council of Representatives election law, explaining that it has held multiple meetings and hearings with the Independent High Electoral Commission, the government, with the United Nations representatives,  specialized international organizations, civil society organizations and heads of political blocs regarding the mechanism for dividing multiple constituencies.

- Emphasizing the interventions of the ladies and gentlemen of the representatives on the necessity of resolving the political blocs of their positions by presenting their vision and then agreeing on a unified standard that is applicable to complete the electoral constituencies table in terms of their number and the mechanism of their distribution, while the call was to grant specificities to some areas without prejudice to the agreed standard, in addition to  Setting a deadline for the next elections.

- The Speaker reminds that the House of Representatives voted on the law in the form of multiple departments after taking the opinion of the political forces, pointing out that the parliament is not authorized to amend the law except after completing the vote on it and then publishing it in the Official Gazette, calling on everyone to assume their responsibilities and to intensify the political blocs for their meetings, starting from  Tomorrow, in the presence of the Presidency of the Council, the Chairman and the Deputy of the Legal Committee, to complete the law and present the results as soon as possible to proceed with early elections.

- The first reading of the law draft amending the Federal Supreme Court Law No. (30) of 2005 submitted by the Legal Committee.

- The first reading of the law draft of the Council of Ministers and Ministries submitted by the Legal Committee.

- Part of the session was chaired by Mr. Bashir Haddad, Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament.

- The second reading of the proposed Law of the First Amendment to the Law of Public Prosecution No. (49) of 2017 submitted by the Legal Committee.

- Asking the representative of the government in the House of Representatives to be patient in conducting the amendment of the law until the government’s opinion is stated, especially after it considers the opinion of the Supreme Judicial Council.

- Postponing the second reading of the proposed law on equivalence of degrees and academic degrees submitted by the legal, higher education and scientific research committees to the next sessions.

- Regarding public discussions related to citizens' needs, a number of ladies and gentlemen deputies expressed their support for the government's measures to impose the rule of the law without its security operations becoming harassment to the movement of people in the streets, and the demand to clarify the study mechanism for the next academic year and to set the dates for the second round exams of the senior classes.

- Deputy Bashir Haddad's emphasis on the need to intensify parliamentary efforts to proceed with the completion of the legislation of laws, especially the projects and proposals that the parliamentary committees have initiated in the stages of their legislation, in addition to directing the General Secretariat of the Council to inventory the official correspondences by the ladies and gentlemen of the deputies and committees sent to state institutions to clarify the knowledge of their answers of not  taking the measures needed about the state departments and ministries.

The session was raised to 9/7/2020.- 


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