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Session (4) / Semester Two / Third Year

  Session Items
Session Report





Session (2) / first semester / third year 2020-09-07 0 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 0 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 0 Deputy
Session Items
;First: Presenting the progress of legislative procedures for draft laws and proposals referred to the parliamentary committees as appropriate. Executed
Second: The first reading of the proposal to amend the Law of the Police College No. (37) of the year 2000.(Security and Defense Committee). (Article 4). Not Executed
Third: The first reading of the draft law on retirement rights for deceased persons with medical and health professions as a result of responding to the Coronavirus (Health and Environment Committee, Financial Committee (Article) Executed
Fourth: Report and discussion (second reading) of Proposal for the Equivalency of Certificates and Academic Degrees Law, Legal Committee, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee (Article) Executed
Fifth: Report and discussion (second reading) of Sports Clubs Law Proposal (Youth and Sports Committee) (Article) Executed
Sixth: Report and discussion (second reading) of Proposal for Amending the Law of Samarra, the capital of Iraq for Islamic culture. (Committee for Culture, Tourism and Antiquities). (Article 4) Executed
Seventh: General discussion (15 minutes). Executed
Session Report
On (9/7/2020), the House of Representatives held its second session of the first legislative term for the third year, the fourth electoral cycle headed by Mr. Muhammad al-Halbousi and it was attended by (218) members, the session included :

- The General Secretariat of the House of Representatives reviews the progress of legislative procedures for draft laws and proposals referred to all parliamentary committees in terms of the number of laws voted on, which have been read and discussed, and which have not been read yet.

- The President's emphasis on increasing efforts to implement laws referred to parliamentary committees.

- The first reading of the draft law on retirement rights for the deceased in the medical and health professions as a result of the response to the Corona virus, submitted by the Health, Environment and Finance Committees.

- The second reading of the proposed law on equivalency of academic degrees submitted by the Higher Education and Scientific Research commitee and Legal Committee.

Dr. Bashir Al-Haddad, the second deputy speaker, chaired part of the session.

- Confirming the interventions of the ladies and gentlemen in the session on the need to specify a specific time period for the equivalency of certificates by the Ministry of Education.

- The representative of the government in the House of Representatives stated that the executive body does not support legislating the law, pointing out that the government will work to amend the instructions related to the equivalency of certificates and academic degrees.

- The second reading of the proposed Sports Clubs Law submitted by the Youth and Sports Committee.

- The second reading of the proposed law amending the law of Samarra, the capital of Iraq for Islamic culture, submitted by the Culture, Tourism and Antiquities Committee.

- Calling the representative of the government in the Council to be patient in amending the law, as it carries a financial burden that must be discussed with the government.

In the paragraph devoted to public discussions, the interventions called for a review of the unified pension law, a call for the Ministry of Trade to adhere to the distribution of the ration card items, a request to reconsider the government media offices, and a call to postpone the rail link with the Kuwait side until the implementation of the large port project ofFaw, and resolution of the issue of receivables  Finances for contract employees of the Ministry of Electricity.

- Second Deputy Bashir Al-Haddad instructed the Economy and Investment Committee to host the Minister of Trade to discuss the ration card issue.

- The session was raised to 9/8/2020


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