Deputies By Parliamentary Committees Agriculture, water and marshes 11 نائب Culture, tourism, antiquities and media 2 نائب Economy, Industry and Trade 14 نائب Education 16 نائب Electricity and energy 18 نائب Endowments and Tribes 4 نائب Finance 23 نائب Foreign affairs 16 نائب health and environment 18 نائب Higher education and scientific research 9 نائب human rights 4 نائب integrity 26 نائب investment and development 13 نائب Labor and civil society organizations 11 نائب legal 19 نائب Martyrs, victims and political prisoners 3 نائب Migration, Displacement and Community Reconciliation 5 نائب Oil, gas and natural resources 26 نائب Regions and provinces 7 نائب security and defense 29 نائب Services and Reconstruction 23 نائب Strategic Planning and Federal Service 7 نائب Transport and Communication 12 نائب Women, family and childhood 3 نائب youth and sports 4 نائب