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Session 25,First term ,First year 2014-10-30 4.2 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 324 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 18 Deputy
Session Items
Session Report
- The parliament session has  been held  on 30_10_2014 session (25) Mr. Salem Aljbouri . (221) of the deputies have attended the session . It is included:  

- Swearing of Mezar Homade as an alternative to minister of defense Mr. Khaled Motaab , Mrs. Khadeja Jaber Almousawi as an alternative to minister of tourism Mr. Adeel Fahed Alshershab . As members of the parliament . 

-The member of the parliament ,chairman of the sport and youth committee Mr. Amar Alfaez has congratulated in his statement the Iraqi sportive milieu and the sportive delegation,having participated in Asiatic Paralympics circuit for disabled , for the great achievement , by winning 31 medals in various games .

- The parliament voted to call the sport and youth committee   to honor the winner athletes who have participated in Asiatic  Paralympics circuit .  

- The parliament voted  to remit (225 million Dinars ), from the  amount of (1 Iraqi billion ), which were allocated in the last parliamentary term by the Iraqi parliament for Syrian displaced , to Iraqi displaced.    

The parliament voted  on the extension of the first legislative term for one month , starting from Nov.1 to Dec.1 . Within the power that is granted to the presidency of the parliament . The parliament voted  on the membership approval of the members : Mashan Khader Dhamen, Adnan Mohsen , Zaid Abdullah , Imad Abed Khder, Shwan hous and Ali Alsaraje  ,meanwhile, Mr. Sale Aljboure has called the objectors to recourse to the Federal Court . 

- The speaker of the parliament has pointed, that the presidency in accord with the parliamentary blocs aimed to reduce the costs of invitations which are being sent  to the deputies , over and above, the members will sit alphabetically . This will be applied next session , he also said that there are appeals which have been referred to the committee of defense and security , including hosting the generalissimo of armed forces and to investigate in the issue of Spyker and Alsaklawea , beside referring the  appeals of the deputies about Badoush jail investigation to the commission of human rights .

- Deputy speaker Aram Alshek Mohammed has read over the parliament a report of the committee of forming the permanent committees about electing  the chairmen , deputies , and rapporteurs of the aforementioned committee .It is included an explanation for the meeting which have been hold to solve the issue . 

- Hosting ministers of finance, planning, and oil to discuss the federal budget of 2014.

- MP.Ghazi Algoud has read a condemnation statement. He condemned the terrorism attack  which made by ISIS against the people of Alanbar in general, and specially Albounemer tribal .  

The session has been rose to Saturday on 1_11_2014 . 


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