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The Seventh session: 2014-08-19 5 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 304 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 44 Deputy
Session Items
Session Report

 On 19 \ 8 \ 2014 House of Representatives held the seventh  session of the first legislative term for the first year under the chairmanship of Mr. Saleem al-Jubouri, head of the House of Representatives, and the session included:

- The presence of 217 Deputy

-  Mr. Imad al-Zurfi who is a substitute for outgoing MP Adnan Zurfi sworn in

- Mr. President of the Council read out a brief statement on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of the twenty-World Youth Day in which he called to offer greetings and appreciation to the Iraqi youth

- Mr. Aram Sheikh Mohammed, Vice President of the Council read  a statement about  heroic behaviour of the pilot who passed out,Majid Ahmed al-Tamimi while rescuing the Yazidis citizens trapped in the Mountant Sinjar, who was accompanied by the deputy Vian Dakheel, and he had shown great courage in aiding the displaced/

- Mr.Niazi Oglu read  a statement about the crisis in  Amerli and the  terrorist attacks by ISIS who trapped the people for more than two months  with the death of dozens of women by the tragic conditions that they were living and the lack of medicines and health care, demanding the central government and Peshmerkan forces to intervene rapidly and start a fast military operation to end it and rescue the people from the oppression of the terrorists.

- The second reading of the draft law of the Federal Court

- Mr. President of the Council demaned the parliamentary blocs to provide the names to fill the Standing Committees, pointing out that on Thursday will be the deadline for submission

- the Council of Representatives discussed the actions taken by the Ministries of Displacement and Migration, health and education about the problems which the displaced people face ,in the presence of the Ministers of Health and Education and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Displacement and Migration and Undersecretary of the ministry of health

- Mr. President of the Council of Ministers thanked the masters and agents for their observations, demanding submission of written reports about the conditions of the displaced people during the period of a week to see them

. He pointed out that there will be a meeting of the heads of the blocks for the formation of the Standing Committees of the Board on wednesday 

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