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Session (4) / Semester Two / Third Year

  Session Items
Session Report





Resumption of the session (35) of the first semester / third year 2021-01-16 0 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 0 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 0 Deputy
Session Items
Session Report
 On (01/16/2021) the House of Representatives resumed its thirty-fifth session of the first legislative term for the third year, the fourth electoral cycle headed by Mr. Hassan Al-Kaabi, and the session included:

 - Mr.Hassan Al Kaabi recalled the day of the Turkmen martyr, calling on the council to read Surat Al-Fatihah on the souls of the martyrs of Iraq

 - Discussing the budget law, the ladies and gentlemen demanded that the revenues be distributed fairly among the governorates, taking into account the disbursement of petrodollars and the benefits of the border crossings, the allocation and disbursement of financial dues to mobilize the Ministry of Defense, doubling the amounts allocated to the Reconstruction Fund for the Liberated Areas, and imposing taxes on imported materials that have an equivalent of the local product.  In support of him, as well as supporting the Ministry of Education by increasing financial allocations and paying attention to scientific research centers, asking about the reasons for the decrease in support for the ration card items.

 - The remarks of the ladies and gentlemen of the representatives considered that the government’s direction through the draft budget law contradicts what it proposed in the white paper aimed at reform, calling for the government to adopt a deliberate vision to reduce the level of unemployment among young people and to demand support for the sporting reality in Iraq by increasing the financial allocation for it, in addition  To activate the Federal Service Council to take its role in professionally creating and deleting job grades, and proposing to install night guards on the 6000 employees of the Ministry of Interior or Oil concerned with protecting oil wells, and asking the government, for reasons of its neglect, to put in place a mechanism to pay off the debts accumulated on the Kurdistan Regional Government from selling oil.

 - Mr. Bashir Al-Haddad, Deputy Chairman of the Council, presided over part of the session.

 - The opinions of the ladies and gentlemen of the representatives that focused on giving importance to investment projects and lagging, and the call to restart the stalled laboratories in the governorates and to provide support to the development ministries in the country in relation to the financial inflation presented to the security ministries and to demand the abolition of Decision No. 94 of 2010 related to launching the promotion of employees holding diplomas and graduates  Institutes.

 - The concerned committee’s response to the interventions, the Finance Committee indicated that it had received 162 requests from women and gentlemen of the House of Representatives related to the draft General Budget Law 2021, pointing out that a schedule was set to respond to the observations received, noting that determining the price of a barrel of oil and currency exchange in the budget law is the prerogative of the government.  Indicating that the implementation of the budget law requires reducing the volume of total spending and activating the private sector, both industrial and agricultural, stressing that it takes into consideration the proposals put forward regarding the budget law.

 - Calling on Mr. Bashir Al-Haddad to make efforts by the parliamentary blocs and committees in cooperation with the Finance Committee to pass the general federal budget law in the service of citizens in general and in the interest of all governorates without exception, noting the need for the government to follow a policy of reducing expenditures and consolidating revenues to reduce the financial deficit in the budget, especially with  The instability of the economic situation in Iraq, as well as coordination and cooperation to solve the outstanding problems between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government.

 the discussions of the ladies and gentlemen on public affairs and demanding the disbursement of farmers ’dues, looking at the dues of good signs contracts, and investigating the reasons for transferring the sum of one billion dinars from the budget of Nineveh Governorate to Salah al-Din Governorate, in addition to investigating the security breaches that occurred in some regions of Diyala Governorate.

 Then it was decided to adjourn the session.


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