What is your opinion about the performance of the political entities ?

  Very Good

Total Votes 5325



The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for January 2014
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for: December 2013
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for November 2013


Iraqi Constitution
Session Discussion for Iraqi Parliament

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Second session/ Second period/ Fourth Year

  Session Items
Session Report




  Deputies By Parliamentary Committees

Affairs of Members and Parliamentary Development
7 Deputy
Agriculture and Water
12 Deputy
Awqaf and Religious Affairs
12 Deputy
Culture and Media
7 Deputy
Displaced Persons
9 Deputy
Economy and Investment
15 Deputy
15 Deputy
18 Deputy
Foreign Relations
17 Deputy
Health and The Environment
16 Deputy
Higher Education
11 Deputy
Human Rights
15 Deputy
Institutions of Civil Society
6 Deputy
19 Deputy
Labour and Social Affairs
7 Deputy
16 Deputy
Martyrs and Prisoners
9 Deputy
National Reconciliation and Accountability
7 Deputy
Oil and Energy
16 Deputy
Regions and Provinces
14 Deputy
Security and Defense
16 Deputy
Services and Construction
16 Deputy
Tourism and Antiquities
7 Deputy
9 Deputy
Women, Family and Childhood
8 Deputy
Youth and Sports
9 Deputy



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