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Iraqi Constitution
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The law to cancel the law on ratification of the contract to upgrade and produce Al-Ahdab oil field

Behalf of the people
President of the Republic

Based on what passed the House of Representatives and approved by the President of the Republic and based on the provisions of sub-section (I) of Article (61) and item (iii) of Article (73) of the Constitution.

Issued the following law:

No. () for the year 2011
Ratify the contract to develop and produce the Ahdab oil field between the Ministry of Oil of the Republic of Iraq and a coalition of China National Petroleum Corporation and China North Industries Corporation company representatives shared Oasis

(21) for the year 1997

Article -1-
Repealed law on ratification of the contract to develop and produce the Ahdab oil field between the Ministry of Oil of the Republic of Iraq and a coalition of China National Petroleum Corporation and China North Industries Corporation company representatives shared Oasis No. (21) for the year 1997.

Article -2 -
This law is implemented from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

Given the lack of need for law on ratification of the contract to develop and produce Ahdab oil field between the Ministry of Oil of the Republic of Iraq and a coalition of China National Petroleum Corporation and Industries north Chinese representatives company Waha joint authority under Law No. (21) for the year 1997 for the purpose of canceling.
Initiated this law

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