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The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for January 2014
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for: December 2013
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for November 2013


Iraqi Constitution
Session Discussion for Iraqi Parliament

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Second session/ Second period/ Fourth Year

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Session Report





Nineteenth session/ First term/ Third year 2012-09-03 4.5 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 315 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 8 Deputy
Session Items
Session Report

 The council of representatives held on 3/9/2012 the nineteenth session of the first legislative term for the third year under chairmanship of Qusay Al-Suhail, the first deputy of the chairman of the council of representatives. The session included the following:


- Presence 199 members.

- The presidency decided to postpone voting on each of the draft law of Federal Supreme Court and the draft law of Supreme Judicial Council based on the desire of the heads of the blocs.

- The council voted on the proposal of the third amendment for the election law of the councils of provinces and districts and sub-districts No. (36) for the year 2008, submitted by the legal committee.

- Voting on the draft law of the agricultural modern villages submitted by the committee of agriculture, water and marsh.

- The council voted to extend the work of the Electoral Commission for 15 days.

- Postponing voting on the proposed law to amend the law of the Independent Higher Electoral Commission No. (11) for the year 2007 as amended, submitted by the legal committee.

- Voting on the draft law to cancel the resolutions of the disbanded revolution command council regarding the educational field, submitted by the committees of education, higher education and legal.

- The first reading of the draft law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the convention on physical protection of nuclear materials submitted by the committees of foreign relations and security and defense.

- The first reading of the draft law of border crossings commission submitted by the committees of service and construction, security and defense and financial.

- The second reading of the draft law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq on UN treaty on comprehensive ban of nuclear test for the year 1996, submitted by the committees of foreign relations and security and defense.

- The second reading of the draft law to ban Al-Baath party and disbanded entities and racist, terrorist and expiatory activities submitted by the committees of security and defense and accountability and justice.



The session was adjourned until Tuesday 11/9/2012

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