


Do you think that the oversight role of the current members of the House of Representatives is the best course of study?


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Last Sessions


Session (13) second semester/third year

  Session Items
Session Report

Why Project Observatory Parliament.

The democratic experiment in Iraq's civil institutions need to monitor the performance of the legislative institution and document the performance of this documentation might take a neutral observers of the Iraqi base reference to it.

The project seeks to be a civilian force pressure on the parliamentary institution.

This project will be an essential building block to build a wider circle covering the rest of the monitoring authorities, executive and judicial in the foreseeable future.

Objectives of the project.
First, document the performance of members of the House of Representatives and its committees and the mass of each year.
Second, building a database that includes information and statistics relating to the Iraqi parliament to work be accessible to the hands of specialists, researchers and journalists.


The Centre for Research and perceptions of studies in the coming months following events:
1. Created circle made up of specialists in the fields is consistent with the terms of reference of committees of the House of Representatives.
2. This circuit monitors the performance of the Iraqi parliament will depend on the information in the following:

First. Attend meetings and record the following:
(1) document the performance of individual committees to make proposals in terms of laws, legislation, laws, interrogatories, request attendance, accountability of the President. Almovqat to appoint those with special grades. Confidence.
(2) documentation of the proceedings for members of the Council.
(3) documentation of posts amount each deputy during his attendance at meetings (the number of posts / Percentage / bloc or party).

Second. Contact with the committees of the House of Representatives.

Third. Site House of Representatives website.
W. Communicate with the Information Service of the Council of Representatives.
C. And all media.

Fourthly. Chamber shall issue a product of monitoring reports established specialists include:
A. The number of sessions held in the House of Representatives per month.
B. Attendance and absence to Council members, distributed according to the blocks, and committees, and parties. And political entities, and Gender, Nationalism, and the province.
T.. Proposals for laws submitted to the House of Representatives and its importance.
W. Bills and read them and vote on them.
C. The activities of external and internal committees.
H. Monitoring Activities of the Council of Representatives.

Stages of work on the project

Phase I:
First, our institution during the past four months to collect data concerning the masses and organs, entities and entered into a program designed specifically for an observatory.
Assigning a set of monitors follow-up meetings of the Council of Representatives every day.
Second, training on how to observers monitoring mechanisms in line with the project and achieve its objectives.

Phase II
First: Monitors provide a detailed daily report on the work of committees of the Council and members.
Second, the management of the project to review the reports submitted by the specialists.
Third, analysis of reports and results, including secretion and entered into the project database and consolidated in a detailed report to be ready for publication.
The third phase.
A media conference the end of each legislative term during which summarizes the monitoring reports.
The fourth stage.
Preparing the annual report and issued in the form of printed and distributed to the media and specialists and observers.

The evaluation plan.
The Centre for Research and perceptions in our studies to develop a plan to monitor and evaluate the activities of the Observatory according to the following stages.
1. Quarterly distribution of a questionnaire to assess the team and reports monthly.
2. Dump the results of the questionnaire to study the legibility.
3. Address the weaknesses and strengths.

Results of the implementation of the project.
1 - the establishment and development of civil oversight role in the Iraqi experience.
2 - Configure a database neutral on the performance of the Iraqi parliament Acil be readily available to researchers and specialists.
Formation pressure of a civilian force.
3 - to contribute to a culture of civilian control in parliamentary circles.
4 - disclosure of contributions of the blocks and activate the work of members of the committees of the House of Representatives.