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The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for January 2014
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for: December 2013
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for November 2013


Iraqi Constitution
Session Discussion for Iraqi Parliament

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Second session/ Second period/ Fourth Year

  Session Items
Session Report






Voting on two draft laws


The Council of Representatives held on 4/7/2013 the fifth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives. The session included voting on two laws and hosted each of Mr. Hoshyar Zebari, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Hadi Al-Amiri, Minister of Transportation, in a general invitation to discuss the draft law on ratification of the convention on organization of the maritime navigation in Khowr Abd Allah between the government of republic of Iraq and the government of state of Kuwait and exiting from Chapter VII. 



Voting on one law


The Council of Representatives voted in the fourth session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives held on 2/7/2013, on the draft law of the third amendment to the law of Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control No.(54) of 1979 as amended, submitted by the committees of finance, legal, economy and investment.



Qusay Al-Suhail withdraws his resignation


Dr. Qusay Al-Suhail announced on Monday 1/7/2013, in a statement by him withdrawing his resignation that he presented to the Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, in response to the call of the parliamentary blocs and the religious authority Sayyed Kadhim Al-Haeri and to maintain the public interest on his own interest. According to the statement. 



Resignation of Dr. Qusay Al-Suhail


The First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Dr. Qusay Al-Suhai, presented on Monday 24/6/2013 his resignation from his position to Mr. Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, pointing out that the resignation came for personal reasons. 



Constitutional oath for a substitute MP


Mr. Hussam Ali Hussein was sworn in as a substitute MP for the resigned MP Ali Mohsen Assi who took over as the governor of Baghdad in the third session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi which was held on 23/6/2013. The session also included voting on the proposed law of the second amendment to the law of provinces non-organized in a region No.(21) of 2008, submitted by the committees of legal and regions.



Resignation of MP Ali Al-Tamimi


The Council of Representatives held on 20/6/2013 the second session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives. During this session the Council voted on accepting the resignation of MP Ali Al-Tamimi from the membership of the Council of Representatives, in addition to reading three draft laws first reading. 


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