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The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for January 2014
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for: December 2013
The Monthly Report of the Iraqi Parliament Monitor for November 2013


Iraqi Constitution
Session Discussion for Iraqi Parliament

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Second session/ Second period/ Fourth Year

  Session Items
Session Report






Vote, in Principle


House of Representatives voted in principle to the draft law on allocation of $ (300,000,000) three hundred million dollars to push it to the KAC for the payment of claims filed by them on the Iraqi Airways and the Iraqi government and submitted by the committees and financial services, construction, legal, at its fourteenth session on 4/8/2012 under the chairmanship of Mr. Osama Najafi, the meeting also included as the first reading and the second of four bills


Discuss the Party Law


Session was held on the thirteenth of the first legislative term for the third year of the Council of Representatives, headed by Mr. Osama al Speaker, at this meeting was to vote on a draft law amending the Companies Law No. (22) for the year 1997 and submitted by the committees of the economy, investment, finance and the Council ended discussion of the law of parties The political report of the legal Committee


Vote on the Four Laws


House of Representatives voted in its twelfth legislative term of the first for the third year the four laws

1 - a proposed second amendment to the law of election of provincial councils and districts and areas No. (36) for the year 2008. Submitted by the committees of provinces and regions and legal
2 - Draft Law of the Fourth Amendment to the Law Council of cancer in Iraq No. (63) for the year 1985, submitted by the Health Committee
3 - the draft Law Office of Endowments Christians, Yazidis and Sabean Mandaeans, submitted by the Committee of Religious Endowments
4 - Draft law grant students of universities and institutes and the Iraqi government submitted by the Commission on Higher Education and Scientific Research



Baghdad to host the Secretary and the Governor of Baghdad


On 30/12/2011 At the tenth meeting of the House of Representatives of the first legislative term for the second year under the chairmanship of Mr. Osama Najafi House Speaker Messrs. Council hosted the Mayor of Baghdad Sabir al-Issawi and the Governor of Baghdad Salah Abdul Razzaq on water scarcity, as was voted at this meeting to approve a resolution on investment in the power to call include the formation of private investment in the field of electric power to deal with companies that work in coordination with the Ministry of Electricity and stakeholders

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